Kloing welcome doing thank you

Nach der knackigen Mattel-TR808 kommt ein neues Spielzeugsampleset von dem Wahlberliner Musiker Hainbach – das Maxtone Calculator Piano:

I bought this tiny but horrifying instrument at a flea market in Hamburg in 2001 for 5 Deutsche Mark. It accompanied me on many a summer field trip, much to the horror of my fellow travelers. It simply sounds weird, as the pitch slides from a very short correct tuning time into something far in between. I amended that a bit by introducing attack and sustain settings in the live pack. The Maxtone is able to produce speech samples, such as all the numbers form zero to 9, as well as mathematical terms like “divided by” and “clear”. These are also included. I added an old school echo section, as befits this ancient and arcane instrument.

Das schaurige Gerät hat neben den schrägen Tönen ein paar schöne Sprachsamples in sich, von denen ca.8% in diesem Demo zu hören sind.

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Welcome thank you,