KFC Records

Wie bildet man seine Angestellten am besten fort? Natürlich mit einem Hip-Hop Track! So dachte sich zumindest die Human Resources Abteilung von Kentucky Fried Chicken und ließ anno 1985 einen netten Rap über Chicken Littles komponieren. Die Angestellten bekamen dieses Meisterwerk der musikalischen Brotkunst auf einer Flexi-Disk. Hier ein Augenzeugenbericht:

There’s the awful synthesizer, the deep but non-intimidating voice, the lyrics…God, who can believe the lyrics? Mind you, this was not long after Saturday Night Live’s “White Guy Rap” was the talk of suburban block parties in 1985. In Midwestern suburbia, Rap was mostly considered silly. The onslaught of Gangsta Rappers and Sista Souljah was a few years out. Even though my crew and I would discover NWA the following spring, we were a subset and I was interested in the funny lyrics more than anything else. So yes, Rap was certainly on the radar, especially among young, urban (or wannabe) males, but what possessed Kentucky Fried Chicken to think this was an effective training tool?

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