Joe Paradiso hat seinen selbstgebauten Modularsynthesizer im MIT aufgebaut und bietet einen 192kbps Livestream dieses enormen Instruments. Klingt für mich wie Manuel Göttsching auf Ritalin, also wunderbar. Das besondere an dem gigantischen Patch ist der völlige Verzicht auf Sequenzer. Alle Wechsel werden durch Logikmodule realisiert.

The second patch I made at the MIT Museum is totally done now, and you can hear it live on the stream. Listen to it at, and let me know what you think if you’re inclined – it’s running in physical space in Quad, of course – stereo on the stream. Note that this one has absolutely NO sequencer of any sort on it – all of the patterns you hear were made entirely from hand-patched logic (counters, ands, ors, flip flops, ring counters, rate multipliers, etc.). It’s an entirely different kind of composition environment from the norm – you really need to simultaneously be an engineer while being an artist and something of a performer.

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